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Writer's pictureAnaadi Foundation

‘It is all about expanding the imagination of students’ — Anaadi Foundation Mentioned in The New Ind

Anaa­di Foun­da­tion was fea­tured in today’s news­pa­per The New Indi­an Express’s Edex edi­tion. Founder, V Adi­narayanan, was inter­viewed about his per­son­al jour­ney in Yoga and his vision to pro­vide bet­ter edu­ca­tion to his stu­dents.

Here is an excerpt of the inter­view:

What led you to quit a day job to set up the Anaa­di Foun­da­tion?

It has to do with the fact that I respect stu­dents, a lot. I think they have the ener­gy and capa­bil­i­ty to do won­ders in life, if giv­en the right direc­tion. Yoga has helped me get where I am and thus I want to pass this lega­cy on to the stu­dents. After get­ting enthu­si­as­tic response from stu­dents of Amri­ta Uni­ver­si­ty, where I taught Cul­tur­al Edu­ca­tion, I want­ed to reach out to more stu­dents in the coun­try. Thus, I left my job in June 2015 to set up Anaa­di Foun­da­tion.

Is the orga­ni­za­tion only about Yoga or is there more to it?

Yoga forms the pri­ma­ry base of the organ­i­sa­tion but it is ded­i­cat­ed to the self-unfold­ment of youth through its care­ful­ly designed pro­grams with sci­ence and spir­i­tu­al­i­ty as build­ing blocks. The pro­gram is designed to have Mahab­haratha based teach­ings which involve the nar­ra­tion of the detailed sto­ry­lines of the Mahab­haratha togeth­er with dis­cus­sions on sci­en­tif­ic, social and philo­soph­i­cal aspects. Com­bined with psy­chol­o­gy based activ­i­ties, it helps par­tic­i­pants apply the deep prin­ci­ples of the Mahab­haratha to han­dle their day to day prob­lems.


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