Through our various youth-based programs: Mahabharata Sadhana, Joy of Learning and Dynamic Yoga sessions, we have had the opportunity to interact with thousands of students. Many issues that the students say they face can be broadly categorized into physical, mental and emotional issues. On one level these problems can be seen as a certain “indigestion”. There was a villager who went to the doctor for indigestion. The doctor handed over a bottle of medicine. He pasted 4 strips as marks on the bottle and asked the villager to have one mark after lunch. The villager pulled one strip everyday, had it and went to the doctor for more strips.No matter how many strips we take, we won’t be cured of indigestion until we take the right medicine.
The current generation seems to have limited digestive capacities compared to the previous one. We often hear our elders say “At this age, you should be able to digest a stone. When we were of your age…”.
On the physical level, we see that we are unable to digest most kinds of food and large quantities. We go to a treat with much enthusiasm but come home with a certain heaviness. This heaviness leads to dullness at work or college next day. On the mental level, we can’t digest heavy emotions and as a way of rejecting them, we throw them back at others. An emotional movie, or a photo, a phone conversation or a whatsapp message sometimes leaves us devastated. Same happens at the mental level. Many students are neither able to pay attention for a long time nor able to digest complex information. They are stressed out because of the volume of information. So there is a certain indigestion at all levels.
One of the key factors to achieving excellent digestive capacity is “upavasa” or fasting. Upavasa creates a certain emptiness and is a wonderful means of rejuvenation. It make the system more receptive for bigger things. If it would be possible to observe Upavasa at the physical level by cutting down on food for a day or a light diet for a week, at the emotional level by staying away from heavy emotions, at the mental level by keeping away from information overload, the body, mind and emotion would feel awesome. It’s time to try that! Some of our members have tried mobile “upavasa” at a chosen time everyday and it has created wonders for them. Let us know how you feel after a Upavasa.