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Karma and the Energy Release

Kar­ma is used so often to denote fate or des­tiny. When we engage in ener­getic action expect­ing fun­da­men­tal trans­for­ma­tion, there can be lot of karmapha­la attached to the same. Let us look at this with an anal­o­gy from physics. This is an intu­itive way to und.

There has been much said and writ­ten about Kar­ma. Most peo­ple map Kar­ma to be some kind of fate or des­tiny. The word Kar­ma sim­ply means action and Kar­ma pha­la is the result of the action. You would have read about Prarab­d­ha Kar­ma: the kar­ma for this life time; San­chi­ta Kar­ma: the sum total of all kar­ma accu­mu­lat­ed so far; Aga­mi kar­ma or Kriya­mana kar­ma: the kar­ma that we gath­er this life­time for future usage.

There is no sim­ple way to under­stand kar­ma but nev­er­the­less here is an anal­o­gy. Sup­pose you have a total of 10,000 rupees in your bank account, that can be equat­ed to san­chi­ta kar­ma as it is the amount avail­able for you to spend. You with­draw 1000 rupees and buy a lot­tery tick­et. That 1000 rupees is your prarab­d­ha kar­ma which is avail­able for you to spend. Sup­pose you win 5000 rupees. This is because of spend­ing the 1000. This is like your kriya­mana kar­ma which gets added to your bank account for future spend­ing. Just that, when it is rupees it sounds won­der­ful but when it comes to kar­ma we want to emp­ty the whole thing with­out cre­at­ing new bal­ance. We will talk more about this in future posts. This post is not about the types of kar­ma or the usu­al things that you hear about. This post is about a much sub­tler thing that you prob­a­bly missed.

Many peo­ple work for cre­at­ing an impact in the soci­ety. They may be work­ing with indi­vid­u­als or com­mu­ni­ties or larg­er net­works. While work­ing for change in the soci­ety or bring­ing about a change in indi­vid­ual behav­iour (as a men­tor or teacher or coun­sel­lor) there is an expec­ta­tion for imme­di­ate change and rapid results. Lot of effort goes into bring­ing the change as quick­ly as pos­si­ble. This can hap­pen when par­ents are try­ing to change the behav­iour of chil­dren or teach­ers are try­ing to cor­rect stu­dent behav­iour or social work­ers are try­ing to bring grass­roots lev­el changes. If we decode “change”, it is actu­al­ly giv­ing up of an old pat­tern and adopt­ing a new one.

To intu­itive­ly under­stand this, let us take exam­ples from physics. When an atom splits, there is huge amount of ener­gy that is released. It is the process of nuclear fis­sion. This ener­gy has to be chan­nelised prop­er­ly else the con­se­quences can be severe. Sim­i­lar­ly, when you act as an agent of change, there is tremen­dous amount of ener­gy released and the con­se­quences of which “may” have to be born by you. If it is a small change, it is less ener­gy and han­dleable. If it is a fun­da­men­tal change or you try to do this in a change resis­tant envi­ron­ment, there can be larg­er con­se­quences. One need not get scared of this but it is use­ful to become aware of this. Work­ing with the indi­vid­ual or envi­ron­ment, build­ing a “runa” or con­nec­tion and then bring­ing about a change can be a smoother process. Then we gath­er less of the kar­ma pha­la because we haven’t actu­al­ly done any­thing big. It just hap­pens. This is a very sub­tle thing but if you pon­der over it it will make a lot of sense. Your frus­tra­tion in try­ing to change some­one or some­thing will grad­u­al­ly reduce and you will be much calmer in han­dling things.

The role of a Guru is tough. He or she works with the Sishya, guid­ing them every step with or with­out the full under­stand­ing on the part of the Sishya. The Tapasya and Sad­hana of the Guru helps in han­dling the ener­gies of this “fis­sion reac­tion” and brings about amaz­ing trans­for­ma­tion in the Sishya with­out both of them feel­ing bit­ter. It is a com­plex and sub­tle thing.

Note: Fea­tured image source:


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