The Mahabharat is full of deep and insightful conversations. The Draupadi-Satyabama samvada appears in the Vana Parva of the Mahabharatha. The conversation highlights the administrative capabilities of Draupadi and the meticulous nature of women leadership during those times. Shri Krishna’s wife Satyabama is curious about the unconditional love and obedience of the Pandavas towards Draupadi. She asks Draupadi if this was due to her beauty or any special drug that she uses or any ascetic powers. Draupadi replies that using beauty or drugs was only done by wicked people. Draupadi says:
She treated her husbands and their other wives with great devotion without any sense of jealousy
She took bath and had food only when all her husbands ate and infact all the attendants had their food
She never indulged in angry speech or anything that spreads hatred
She knew the names and qualities of each and every one of the 1 lakh maids that served the kings
She was the one who framed the rules to be observed by the one lakh horses and elephants that followed Yudhishthira
All complaints about them was heard and resolved by her
She knew the names of all attendants, servants, cowherds, shepherds and soldiers. She knew their problems and what they needed
She supervised the treasury while the Pandavas where taking care of the dharmic pursuits
She was the only one among the Panadavas to know the exact income and expenditure of the kingdom
She bore the entire load of the kingdom day and night
She woke up early and slept late, so much so that day and night were the same for her
The insights provided by Draupadi clearly demonstrates the exalted nature of women leadership where the minutest details are taken care and each person is offered equal amount of care and compassion. It does take super human effort but if one keeps aside one’s own personal whims and fancies, there is nothing that one cannot achieve. Draupadi’s message to Satyabama shows a path to all women of today who are just bursting with energy to achieve something but who feel stuck somewhere. Administering the home is not an easy task and Draupadi had achieved excellence in that as well. When you throw yourself completely into something, the “you” really becomes irrelevant.