The Yoga Vashistha has numerous interesting stories that connects various aspects of life. One such story is that of King Shikidhwja and Queen Chudala.
King Shikidwaja was the King of Malawa. His father had died when Shikidwaja was just 16 years of age. Even as a young teenager, he ruled his kingdom with great grace and solemnity. He was valorous, handsome, silent and respectful. He had all the qualities that a dharmic king possessed. When he attained marriageable age, the ministers of his court suggested the daughter of the King of Saurashtra. Her name was Chudala. The wedding was arranged and they enjoyed each others company for many many years. Chudala being trained in several arts right from young age, she taught music and dance to Shikidwaja. Being a dharmic and righteous couple, they soon transcended the mundane pursuits of royal life and turned inward for answers.
“The taste of youthful pleasure is soon succeeded by a distaste for it in old age. The freshness of plants in spring gives way to the dryness of autumn. Then where in this world is that permanent pleasure and lasting good which never grows stale and is ever sweet and lovely? 10 Therefore we should seek that which will support us in all conditions of life, and which will be a remedy of all the evils that surround us in this world.”
They delved deep into scriptures and discussed with each other on a variety of spiritual and religious matters. Queen Chudala was so deeply involved with these learnings that she had a longing to taste the ultimate. He constant thought was “How will I realise the imperishable One”.
“All other knowledge is mere nothing, just like a second moon in the sky. There is only one Consciousness in existence, and this is called the great entity, the sum total of all existence.”
Day by day her understanding of herself and the supreme consciousness grew deeper and deeper. She understood that the whole existence is a leela and how the same consciousness is contained in each person just as gold exist in every piece jewellery but in different forms. She lived in complete bliss not attached to the things around her. She was indifferent to material possessions but at the same displayed extreme calmness and serenity.
“Her mind was detached from the feelings of love and fear, of pride and pleasure, and quite insusceptible of delusion.”
Her quest was so deep and sincere that she soon attained enlightenment and realised the God within her. Her sadhana and tapasya, her detachment and calmness, her solitude and bliss made her shine like the sun. She was adorned with new beauty and her facing was glowing with realization and it was difficult to hide this transformation…
to be continued!
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